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Installing the Octez client

You can install the Octez client directly on your computer or use a Docker image that has the most recent version of the Octez tools installed.

Installing the Octez client locally

You can install the Octez client on your computer by using your package manager:

  • For MacOS, run these commands:

    brew tap serokell/tezos-packaging-stable
    brew install tezos-client
  • For Ubuntu, Windows WSL, and Linux distributions that use apt, run these commands:

    sudo add-apt-repository -y $REPO && sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y tezos-client
  • For Fedora and Linux distributions that use Copr, run these commands:

    dnf copr enable -y $REPO && dnf update -y
    dnf install -y tezos-client

For more local installation options, see How to get Tezos in the Octez documentation.

You can verify that the Octez client is installed by running this command:

octez-client --version

If you see a message with the version of Octez that you have installed, the Octez client is installed correctly. For help on Octez, run octez-client --help or see the Octez documentation.

Using the Octez client in the Tezos Docker image

The Tezos Docker image contains the latest version of the Octez client and the other Octez tools. To start a container from this image, run this command:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh --name octez-container tezos/tezos:latest

You can verify that the Octez client is available in the container by running this command:

octez-client --version

For a full list of Octez client commands, run octez-client man.

Configuring the Octez client

After you install the Octez client, you can set the RPC node to use.

For example, to use a testnet, follow these steps:

  1. On, click the testnet to use, such as Ghostnet.

  2. Copy the one of the testnet's public RPC endpoints, such as

  3. Set your Octez client to use this testnet by running this command on the command line, replacing the testnet RPC URL with the URL that you copied:

    octez-client --endpoint config update

    Octez shows a warning that you are using a testnet instead of mainnet. You can hide this message by setting the TEZOS_CLIENT_UNSAFE_DISABLE_DISCLAIMER environment variable to "YES".

  4. Verify that you are using a testnet by running this command:

    octez-client config show

    The response from Octez includes the URL of the testnet.

The Octez client keeps its configuration data in the $HOME/.tezos-client/config file.